New CoSi features update: October
Have a short recap of Concentrio’s CoSi latest enhancements

Concentrio continues to improve the CoSi module of Concentrio Tool Suite and is proud to announce some developments since our last update in June:
· Impact analysis feature: The user can select elements (signals, modules) on the signal net, and the tool will show all the elements which are affected by them.
· Manual changes to the signal net: The tool allows the user to modify the signal net manually. This enables the possibility of studying changes before implementing them in the software.
· Delta Analysis feature: This functionality allows the user to compare two different software versions for an ECU, highlighting the differences between them.
· Function Graph Display Advanced Mode: The tool can now display the software architectural information in more intuitive and interactive manner.
· Filter functionality enhancement – connections: This new enhancement allow users not only to block or impose certain signals, but now the user can select the connections he wants to block or impose.
Stay tuned to know more about further developments and improvements in CAT and CoSi.
About Concentrio
Concentrio AG was founded in 2019 as a spin-off of jember GmbH for Concentrio Tool Suite product development and solution provider for complex systems. We are an agile, innovative and state-of-the-art start-up company. Our team is passionate about technology, and believes in the progress that digital transformation brings to people and businesses. We work as a team with our customers to develop cutting-edge, high-performance solutions that make accessible what’s not.