New CoSi features update: June
Have a short recap of Concentrio’s CoSi latest enhancements

Our work on the CoSi module of Concentrio Tool Suite during last month has produced the following updates:
· We finished work on our new Validation Module, which now allows importing signals and paths lists (Excel format) for validation and hygiene checks.
· Our team polished the Attributes import feature, for a better visualization of lists and its characteristics in a glimpse. We also display warnings for duplicates attributes.
· CoSi users can now get assigned different roles and permissions. Personalization and input options have increased.
· The graphical representation of signals improved thanks to an improved color-coding. In addition, when a signal has several possible hierarchies you could display these hierarchies in an advanced graphical manner.
· The feature Connection Matrix in Multi queries and OBD queries provides additional formatting options.
From now on, we will regularly share with you remarkable updates on Concentrio Tool Suite and its CAT and CoSi modules. Stay tuned!
About Concentrio
Concentrio AG was founded in 2019 as a spin-off of jember GmbH for Concentrio Tool Suite product development and solution provider for complex systems. We are an agile, innovative and state-of-the-art start-up company. Our team is passionate about technology, and believes in the progress that digital transformation brings to people and businesses. We work as a team with our customers to develop cutting-edge, high-performance solutions that make accessible what’s not.