Concentrio Tool Suite successfully generates documentation for an OEM’s OBD certification
It’s under CARB’s review to grant commercialization of two new vehicles in California next year

For the second year in a row, Concentrio has supported a Premium German OEM to generate the necessary certification documentation required by the California Air Resources Board (CARB).
The documentation was created for vehicles which will arrive to the Californian market in 2024. More precisely, with the aid of the Concentrio Tools, the OEM was able to fulfill the documentation for two platforms with several ECUs. The level of complexity has also increased, since the documentation was created for the OEM flagship technology platform.
This crucial milestone has been attained thanks to the maturity level reached by Concentrio Tool Suite and the expertise gathered over the years in the Software dependencies analysis as well as the OBD fields.
Concentrio is happy to move forward another step in a successful relationship with our customer and test our product in a progressively complex environment.
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About Concentrio
Concentrio AG was founded in 2019 as a spin-off of jember GmbH for Concentrio Tool Suite product development and solution provider for complex systems. We are an agile, innovative and state-of-the-art start-up company. Our team is passionate about technology, and believes in the progress that digital transformation brings to people and businesses. We work as a team with our customers to develop cutting-edge, high-performance solutions that make accessible what’s not.